Communities in Peru welcome Bitcoin (BTC). So much so that the country appears to be a leader in the volume of transactions made through Bitcoin Beach Wallet, the community banking platform developed by Galoy and focused on residents of El Zonte in El Salvador.
Although the open-source wallet was developed with a community focus in El Zonte, today it is being more than created by other Bitcoin strongholds that have sprung up in the world, such as Africa’s Bitcoin Ekasi and Costa Rica’s Bitcoin Jungle year old
That’s why it stands out Peru carries out more than 20,000 Bitcoin transactions weeklywhen it It says the non-governmental organization (NGO) Motiv, which is creating mini-circular economies of bitcoin in the country’s most forgotten sectors.
“Motiv took inspiration from the Bitcoin Beach circular economy model in El Zonte and based on that they do a lot of community work in more than 15 sectors of Peru,” Román Martínez told CriptoNoticias exclusively.
Martínez is one of the leaders of Playa El Zonte and co-founder of the Bitcoin Beach project in El Salvador. He recently visited Peru, where he saw firsthand how Bitcoin is empowering the people of this country.
“When a community adopts Bitcoin, it offers more opportunities for its residents and in Peru BTC is driving major social changeMartinez added.
He witnessed Motiv Community Centers in Cusco, surrounding cities and Lima opening their doors to young people, single mothers and older adults so that they Get to know Bitcoin and achieve your financial freedom.
Learning to build a sovereign life with Bitcoin in Peru
“We are transforming the communities of Peru into emancipated areas,” Motiv says on his Twitter account.
This happens because the residents find their way into it Bitcoin a solution to help them break free from fiat moneyand state protection.
With bitcoin, Peruvians are also exiting the slavery model they had stayed in with asset devaluation. And from here, they begin to build the life they deserve by entering BTC’s decentralized financial system, as explained by Martínez.
On Peruvian territory 16 Bitcoin citadels already exist, as previously reported by CriptoNoticias. 3,000 programs have already been set up in these circular economies of BTC, which it says has had 60,000 participants so far Data Posted by Motiv.
The programs run by the NGO range from medical care to education with English classes and Entrepreneurship taking advantage of Bitcoin.

“What Motiv is doing hand-in-hand with Bitcoin is inclusion because they help communities learn. They focus on BTC but also go a little further as young people learn English, computers, play sports and acquire financial literacy. Then comes the moment when they feel they have access to better opportunities and that is very valuable in forging a better future.”
Román Martínez, leader of the El Zonte Bitcoin Beach community in El Salvador.
Financial inclusion and hope, what is driving bitcoin in Peru
Peru accumulates more than 20 years of economic growth, which makes it one of the countries with better data Macroeconomics of Latin America. In recent months, however, the country has endured a financial crisis that is reflected in the family economy of Peruvian households.
On the other hand, Peru has been ranked as the fourth largest country in the world with the greatest social inequality, accordingly a report by the World Inequality Lab (WIL Inequality).
With that in mind, it seems natural for citizens to turn their attention to it Bitcoin as an escape route from poverty and as an engine of social change.
“Bitcoin offers inclusion and brings hope to communities because it is a transformative tool that helps people move from the pessimistic vision that there is no way to improve economically, to optimism and hope that the future will be better .”
Román Martínez, leader of the El Zonte Bitcoin Beach community in El Salvador.

Some Peruvians say so Bitcoin adoption started skyrocketing in the country when inflation began to take its toll on people’s incomes. Things got complicated later when concerns arose about the decisions the government was making.
Seven presidents have taken office in Peru since 2011 amid multiple corruption investigations. With every turn of events The population began to trust bitcoin more.
“Precisely because Bitcoin decentralization is a shield against government intervention,” it says explained Castro Lora from the Blockchain Association.
“We don’t want Peruvians to be just fooling around,” said Rich Swisher, co-founder and president of Motiv.
“We want this economy to take off, and in order to make that happen, people need to learn how to use the money they’re making, which is now bitcoin.” added the leader of the NGO that helps communities change the reality they have been used to. Now they are educated, equipped and empowered with Bitcoin