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Home » A sailor sails across Europe to spread Satoshi's message

A sailor sails across Europe to spread Satoshi's message

“Bitcoin is a journey,” says Rémi, a Belgian-born sailor who learned about the digital currency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2020. And since then, he discovered that there is an analogy between sailing the high seas and the journey to study cryptocurrency.

“Although they seem to have nothing in common, Bitcoin and navigation share the same characteristics of autonomy and independence“Rémi explained to CriptoNoticias. As the captain of the sailing ship Sato, he decided one day that electronic money would always be the lighthouse that would guide him on his journey.

So he painted the Bitcoin logo on one of the boat's sails and set about developing his idea, the Sato Boat Project. It is what Rémi calls: “a real place to experiment and share knowledge about Bitcoin technology.”

In itself, it is an experimentation and navigation laboratory that aims to represent an atypical demonstration of the principle of decentralization by integrating a Lightning Network node into its warehouses.

He defines his initiative as an adventure that he has been exploring for almost two years. Visit ports in Europe, anywhere someone lights a Bitcoin light. So soon will be in MadeiraPortugal, where in March the Bitcoin Atlantis conference is taking place, where important topics related to the ecosystem are discussed.

After exploring Europe, Rémi says he is ready to travel the world. All with the idea of ​​seeing how communities use Bitcoin and creating connections between them.

A journey of freedom

“What defines me is not so much what I am currently, but rather what I want to be: a free man,” emphasizes Rémi. And in search of that freedom, two years ago he made the decision to leave his hometown of Brussels, his family and friends to embark on the adventure of learning about the world around Bitcoin.

“I have been sailing for 10 or 15 years. Until I decided to say goodbye to my last job. This was after a podcast I did (which was about Bitcoin, economics, society and money) when the idea came about I combine my two passions: sailing and Bitcoin. I'm doing it as a Bitcoin evangelist, but without anyone paying me!

Rémi, captain of the ship Sato.

He adds that his journey is also a journey to achieve autonomy and independence, conditions necessary to strive for greater freedom, as he says.

He also plans a trip to the Azores in Portugal in March, then Cape Verde and other places in Europe. And it wants to cross the Atlantic before the end of 2024 Come to Brazil, in South America. Here you can see Praia Bitcoin, the first citadel in this country.

“Sailors have always had close relationships with others, the sea is a common border with many different countries,” says Rémi, explaining the reasons that led him to meet people from all over the world to exchange ideas ideas or reveal to them the truths about money that he learned from the Creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

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