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Home » Sacyr Servicios receives orders worth more than 200 million

Sacyr Servicios receives orders worth more than 200 million

sacr Services continues to expand its business portfolio with the signing of new service contracts worth €208 million in Spain in recent weeks.

Valuewhich provides urban and environmental services, has renewed the contract for waste collection and street cleaning Soria, worth 52.5 million euros over the next 15 years; the cleaning and collection of municipal solid waste (MSW) from Moron de la Frontera (Seville) for an amount of EUR 22 million and a term of 10 years; In Fuenlabrada (Madrid) has won lot 2 of the selective packaging collection for an amount of 10 million euros and a duration of 10 years. She also continues to clean the streets Barakaldo (Bizkaia) for another year worth 9.5 million euros.

Through Sacyr facilitiesthe company was commissioned to provide the following cleaning services:

  • Madrid underground: Lots C and E worth 60 million euros over four years plus a possible extension for a further year.
  • service centers Madrid Health Service: Lot 8, cleaning services for four years for 17 million euros, plus a possible one-year extension.
  • Health Centers of El Bierzo (León): with a budget of seven million euros for three years.

The new Home Help Service (SAD) concludes contracts Sacyr Socialare the following:

  • SAD of Seville: Lot 2, for two years and worth 25 million euros, with the possibility of an extension for a further two years.
  • SAD of the Provincial Council of Segovia. Worth four million euros for one year, with the option to extend for another three years.
  • SAD of the Toledo City Council: Two years for 1.6 million euros plus the possibility of an extension for a further two years.

Sacyr Services promotes sustainability and efficiency in all its services and focuses on its professionals, favoring the social economy and gender equality, facilitating work-life balance and incorporating universal accessibility criteria.

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