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Home » The impact of Web3 on the world and the role of CoinEx Exchange

The impact of Web3 on the world and the role of CoinEx Exchange

Important facts:
  • CoinEx wants to break the chains of traditional finance with Web3.

  • Web3 offers advantages not only for users but also for programmers.

In the Internet space, the code supports various products and services on various platforms. Programmers play a key role in this. It’s fair to say that programmers are indispensable in today’s Internet world.

Today’s Web3 is being hailed as the next generation of the Internet, and its content differs significantly from previous versions. Web1 and Web2 provide the platform and infrastructure for users who have surprisingly little control and limited options. Likewise, programmers have no control over it and can only create code required by the service provider.

Web3 aims to make a difference. Based on underlying technologies like blockchain, Web3 creates a new realm of open collaboration and privacy driven by users and developers.

Web3 gives power back to users and programmers

Developers can choose to participate in a Web3 project and gain real control. For programmers who have worked in the Web2 industry, Web3 can present obstacles and challenges. However, it also offers a wealth of possibilities.

In the traditional world of the Internet, programmers often follow a centralized offline working model and many of them endure long hours. Web3 has given them the opportunity to change the way they work.

Instead of spending a lot of time commuting, they can work in a more comfortable and flexible environment. Elvin, a programmer for the renowned cryptocurrency exchange CoinEx, once said that Web3 has given him more flexibility at work, also noting the openness, collaboration and privacy. For many programmers, Web3 represents both an opportunity and a significant turning point.

CoinEx, a cryptocurrency exchange, pioneered the launch and promotion of Web3. In 2016, Haipo Yang, who used to be a programmer and is now the founder of CoinEx, resigned from a Web2 giant to venture into the world of cryptocurrencies. He finished all the code for ViaBTC Pool himself and launched it in two days. For Haipo Yang, the code is a weapon with which he explores the world of cryptocurrencies, but in his eyes it is also the law.

CoinEx relies on the Web3

According to Haipo Yang, the order of the market is important, but the methods of establishing that order vary between the traditional financial market and the cryptocurrency market. The first is based on rules to maintain order. Due to the lack of transparency of the information, a large number of intermediaries are required to check the information and ensure smooth transactions through legal regulations.

In contrast, the cryptocurrency market creates order through code. The code serves as law, and numerous projects and applications are open source. Data on blockchains enjoy greater transparency compared to the traditional financial industry.

Therefore, the cryptocurrency market based on consensus protocols and smart contracts does not need and cannot be regulated. The cryptocurrency industry offers a decentralized, open and transparent financial market where all are free and equal.

Web3 can take power and control away from the big tech companies and give it back to the users. All users are in control of their own digital assets. CoinEx has a similar vision as Web3 and aims to break the chains of traditional finance, serve as an easy gateway to the cryptocurrency world and enable more people to take advantage of the opportunity and wealth that decentralized finance offers .

“The code changes the world.” For programmers like Haipo Yang, it has become more of a reality than a dream. In the cryptocurrency world, the code is more than a set of symbols. It works like a law and helps make this world more mature and beautiful. This is especially true in the world of Web3.

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