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Home » They denounce the dismissal of workers in the Superintendence of Cryptoactives of Venezuela

They denounce the dismissal of workers in the Superintendence of Cryptoactives of Venezuela

Important facts:
  • Sunacrip management asked workers not to return after Easter.

  • Sunacrip’s Restructuring Committee has not reported on the layoffs.

Several people who belonged to the staff of the Superintendency of Cryptoactives of Venezuela (Sunacrip) would have been fired from the organization without further details or accusations.

Accordingly reported Local media outlet TalCual received a complaint from people who hold various positions at the government agency, who assert that this is the case forced to sign a letter ordering their protégés.

One of the former workers, who could not be identified in this way, stated that on Monday, April 3, Sunacrip’s human resources department ordered coordinators, assistants and other workers to step down from their positions.

Everyone had to deliver the requested letter to this department the next day, according to the affected former worker. He also pointed out that HR asked them not to return to their posts after Holy Week was over and promised to “call” them later.

This Friday, April 7th, the information went viral on social networks. Through Twitter, many of these people who claim to have been part of the Sunacrip staff They claimed to have been dismissed from this government institution without explanation.

Under the hashtag “#TrabajadoresNoSomosLadrones” those affected denounced the dismissed and emphasized that they were not involved in any corruption plot. It was the case @dirlianis_who pointed out in the above-mentioned social network that Sunacrip employees “do not steal from the nation”.

“We are only employees and have family responsibilities, financial obligations and job stability through Decree No. 4.753 of the current immobility, published in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 6.723, which came into force on 01/01/2023,” said the now former employee. .

Simultaneously with her, Amnielys Ramírez, who served as Sunacrip Legal Department Coordinator, confirmed his dismissal on Twitter and criticized that the decision “violated the right to work”.

“The disability of the Sunacrip workers was violated (…) We are family fathers and mothers with this only opportunity to work to bring food and livelihood to our homes,” the lawyer also dismissed.

In addition to layoffs, according to Ramírez, They were “humiliated” by the “absolute silence” of the new board of the Sunacrip. “They mocked the necessity of the worker by lying and saying they wouldn’t fire us. And what did you do?” he asked.

“We demand that our right to honest work be dignified, as we have done. We are absolutely honest family fathers and mothers, ”continues the person concerned.

CriptoNoticias tried to communicate with the lawyer Amnielys Ramírez but no response was received at the end of this article.

The complaint about the unfair dismissal of Sunacrip workers came after it was revealed that the offices where the organization is based are in downtown Caracas, were allegedly dismantled. In fact, the frontal logo of Superintendency Headquarters was also removed.

So far, the Sunacrip board of directors has not announced anything about its decisions in the board. She also did not respond to the complaint of unfair dismissals. those affected today They don’t know if they’ll get their salaries or if their benefits will be cut.

Dismissal amid Sunacrip restructuring

The dismissal of the Sunacrip workers is known to be in the middle of restructuring conducted in this Venezuelan institution. This comes after former Superintendent Joselit Ramírez was arrested and charged with various corruption-related crimes.

As reported by CriptoNoticias, Ramírez would have been part of a corruption plot for which there are already more than thirty prisoners. Many of the accused are officials in Nicolás Maduro’s government.

Ramírez is accused of being involved in the disappearances of more than $3 billion, a figure the government has not confirmed. Although the Reuters agency says that the embezzlement could amount to more than $20 billion that did not end up in the state coffers.

According to the complaint of the Attorney General Ramírez would have used Sunacrip to divert money from oil exportsExchange part of the funds for cryptocurrencies.

With that money, those incarcerated today would have lived a lavish life of luxury and travel, to the detriment of the Caribbean nation that subject to inflation in excess of 20% per monthbased on independent macroeconomic data.

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